Friday, November 30, 2012

From The Top

First of all I'd like to say hi and welcome to The Vintage Wallflower! This is my first post, so I'd like to give you all an idea of why I started the blog, a bit about myself, and where I intend to take things from here. 

So, for a couple of years now I have fantasised about having a complete vintage transformation, but I have so far shied away from putting my ideas in to practice as much as I'd want. The reason? Put simply, I haven't had the confidence or self assurance to pull off a style that, I think, requires quite a bit of bravado.

However, it is for these reasons that made me want to start writing this blog in the first place. I originally intended it to be an online diary, to track my progress throughout my make-over, to write down everything I learn about vintage styling, which in turn would hopefully help to build up my confidence with my new look. Then I realised, what if there are other people out there who have the same insecurities about diving into a completely different style as I do? What if there are other vintage wallflowers out there who know exactly what vintage look they want to go for, but maybe have no idea where to start? 

So instead of an online diary, I decided to make a progressive blog that goes through all of my successes and failures from the very start, and hopefully I can pass on all of the hints, tips, do's and don't's I learn along the way!

This is me on admittedly a good day. As in, on a daily basis I usually just wear jeans and a jumper (it's Scotland it's freezing ok!?) But because I knew I was taking a photo for the blog I panicked and made an effort (you would too don't lie). While my look isn't particularly vintage at all, it's where I'm starting from, and that's what I wanted to show you guys. 

But what I've come to realize about vintage style is that it's not something you have to conform to, it's something you create just for you. So it doesn't really matter where you feel you are starting from, you can take it wherever you want, it's just having the confidence and know-how behind all your lovely ideas that will make it happen. Considering I've been interested in vintage styling for a few years now, you can also tell from the photo it doesn't happen overnight, so don't go out panic buying, have fun building up your new vintage wardrobe/make-up collection, as I am currently trying to do.

You're probably wondering at this point where I am actually going to take this blog, and I can tell you that even though I haven't put much into practice yet, I have been doing my homework, and I've built up quite a bit of knowledge on vintage styling. So from this post onward I intend to write about some pretty exciting stuff, which will include updates about my ever changing look, vintage styling book reviews, vintage boutique reviews/interviews, hair/make-up tutorials, as well as my newly acquired hobby, burlesque dancing! I know, not exactly something you would imagine someone with not much confidence to try, but it's actually where my confidence started to grow, so I thought it would be a perfect feature on a blog all about helping vintage wallflowers learn how to blossom in to their very own vintage vixen.

So if you feel like learning along with me, and making your everyday life that little bit more glamorous, then keep reading, and I'll keep you posted! 


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